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Speech for the Enrollment Ceremony

The long winter is finally over, and the bright and warm spring sunshine is here.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the alumni president, Mr. Ono, the PTA president, Mr. Yamaguchi, and many other guests for holding the 42nd Fukuoka Senior High School Entrance Ceremony here today.

Congratulations to all parents and guardians on your child’s enrollment. I’m sure you’ve been looking forward to this day.

For the new students, welcome to Fukuoka Senior High School! Now, I would like to tell you a very important thing. Please do remember this until the day you graduate 3 years later.

High school is the time when you become an adult. In 2022, the law was revised, and now 18-year-olds become adults, and high school seniors are considered “adults” in both name and reality. Even if you have only been a student and have no working experience, you will be considered a full-fledged adult. You have less than three years left until you become an adult. Are you ready to become an adult?

What kind of person does “adult” refer to? Do you think it’s a person who lives independently without relying on others? 

An ”adult” is NOT someone who lives independently without relying on others. There is NO such person in this world.  Both children and adults rely on many people in their lives. So, legal definitions aside, what is the difference between a child and an adult?

I think that “an adult is someone who KNOWS that he or she cannot live independently without relying on others.” And that’s the hard fact. People who mistakenly think they live completely independently have no appreciation for people around them, because they feel that they are not being taken care of by others. People who have not fully grown up tend to think only about themselves. People who complain that they have had a hard time, that they are the only ones who are losing out, or that other people are sneaky, are not thinking about the fact that other people have their own struggles and worries. At Fukuoka Senior High School, I hope that you will become adults in the true sense of the word, considerate of the feelings and positions of others.

When you become an adult, you can make your own contracts and choose your own way of life. Whether you can do that or not, you must take responsibility for the consequences of your actions and behavior. Always remember that you are not alone. Relying on others, being relied on by others, helping each other, and living together is the way to live as an adult. When you were born, your parents and family must have been very happy. You brought joy to others just by being born. Seeing you all living, growing, and working hard has inspired many people. Up until now, you have all grown up with your family, school friends and teachers, and local people always around you. And that will continue to be the case. Please cultivate a heart of compassion for others. I believe this is a timeless and universal value that is valid not only in local communities but also in our global society. I hope that in three years, you will graduate from Fukuoka Senior High School as fine adults. 

I would like to conclude my speech by wishing you all the best in your endeavors and growth. Thank you.

